type of hiit workouts

7 Different types of good HIIT Workouts you should know

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, which involves alternating between periods of high-intensity exercise and short periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. Here are some types of HIIT workouts:

  1. Tabata: This type of HIIT workout was developed by Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata. It consists of performing a specific exercise at maximum effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for eight rounds. The total time for one Tabata cycle is four minutes. Tabata can be done with any exercise, such as sprints, push-ups, or squats, but it’s important to choose an exercise that can be done safely and at high intensity.
  2. Circuit training: This type of HIIT workout involves a series of exercises performed back-to-back with little to no rest in between. The exercises can target different muscle groups or be full-body movements. For example, a circuit might include push-ups, lunges, burpees, and jump squats. The goal is to complete the circuit as quickly as possible, with good form, and then rest for a set period before starting again.
  3. EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): In this type of HIIT workout, you perform a specific exercise or set of exercises for a certain number of reps or time, resting for the remainder of the minute before starting again at the next minute. For example, you might do 10 burpees at the start of every minute for 10 minutes. The faster you complete the reps, the more rest time you have before the next minute starts.
  4. Fartlek: This type of HIIT workout involves varying the intensity of your exercise in intervals, such as sprinting for a certain distance, then jogging or walking to recover before sprinting again. Fartlek can be done with any type of cardio exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming. The key is to vary the intensity and duration of each interval to keep your body guessing.
  5. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible): In this type of HIIT workout, you perform a specific set of exercises for a set amount of time, trying to complete as many rounds as possible in that time. For example, you might do 10 squats, 10 push-ups, and 10 sit-ups, then repeat the circuit as many times as possible in 10 minutes. The goal is to maintain good form while moving as quickly as possible.
  6. Pyramid: This type of HIIT workout involves increasing or decreasing the intensity of your exercise in a pyramid-like fashion, such as starting with a low intensity for a certain amount of time, then increasing it, and then decreasing it again. For example, you might start with 30 seconds of jogging, then increase to 60 seconds of running, then decrease to 30 seconds of sprinting, and then increase back up to 60 seconds of running before starting over.
  7. 30-20-10: This type of HIIT workout involves 30 seconds of moderate-intensity exercise, followed by 20 seconds of high-intensity exercise, and then 10 seconds of all-out effort. For example, you might do 30 seconds of jogging, 20 seconds of running, and 10 seconds of sprinting before resting for a set period and repeating the cycle.

Overall, HIIT workouts can be modified and adapted to suit any fitness level or preference. It’s important to choose exercises that you enjoy and can do safely, and to listen to your body’s signals to avoid injury.

How to choose one of these types of HIIT workouts?

Choosing the right type of HIIT workout depends on several factors, including your fitness level, goals, and personal preferences. Here are some tips to help you choose the best HIIT workout for you:

  1. Consider your fitness level: If you’re new to exercise or have any health concerns, it’s important to start with a low-intensity workout and gradually increase the intensity and duration over time. Tabata and 30-20-10 workouts are generally more intense, while circuit training and pyramid workouts can be adapted to different fitness levels.
  2. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your HIIT workout? Do you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, build strength, or burn fat? Different types of HIIT workouts can target different goals, so it’s important to choose one that aligns with your objectives.
  3. Choose exercises you enjoy: HIIT workouts can be done with a variety of exercises, including bodyweight movements, cardio exercises, and weightlifting. Choose exercises that you enjoy and can do safely to make your workout more enjoyable and sustainable.
  4. Mix it up: HIIT workouts are meant to be challenging and varied, so don’t be afraid to try different types of workouts to keep things interesting. For example, you might do a Tabata workout one day and a circuit training workout the next day.
  5. Listen to your body: HIIT workouts are intense and can put stress on your body. It’s important to listen to your body’s signals and adjust your workout as needed. If you feel pain or discomfort, take a break or switch to a lower-intensity exercise.

Ultimately, the best HIIT workout is one that you enjoy and can do safely and consistently. Experiment with different types of workouts to find the one that works best for you.

Find Tabata workout for beginners here

How often you should do HIIT workouts?

The frequency of HIIT workouts depends on your fitness level, goals, and recovery time. HIIT workouts are intense and can be hard on your body, so it’s important to allow adequate recovery time between sessions. Here are some general guidelines for how often HIIT workouts should b:

  1. Beginners: If you’re new to exercise or HIIT, start with one or two sessions per week and gradually increase to three to four sessions per week over time.
  2. Intermediate: If you have some experience with exercise and HIIT, aim for two to three sessions per week with rest days in between.
  3. Advanced: If you’re highly fit and experienced, you can do up to five HIIT workouts per week, but be sure to vary the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid overtraining.
  4. Recovery: It’s important to allow adequate recovery time between HIIT workouts. Aim for at least one day of rest or low-intensity exercise between sessions.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust your workout schedule as needed. If you feel excessively tired or sore, take a break or reduce the intensity of your workout. A well-balanced fitness routine should include a variety of exercises, including strength training, cardio, and flexibility work, in addition to HIIT workouts.